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LILA Dance Festival

Lila Dance Festival

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Location: Rochester, New Hampshire
Date: 8/24/2024

The LILA Dance Festival, held annually during the summer in Rochester, NH, celebrates the talents of local professional dancers, studios, and choreographers. Presented by Lila Productions, the festival aims to bring dance directly to the community in an accessible outdoor venue, offering a captivating performance experience for all.


Lila Productions to Present Milonga! at The Music Hall Lounge

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Location: Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Date: 8/18/2024

Experience the allure of Argentine tango at the Music Hall Lounge in Portsmouth, NH, on August 18, 2024, as LILA Productions presents “Milonga!” featuring captivating excerpts from choreography by Alejandro Figliolo, LILA Dance Festival’s 2024 Guest Artist. Alejandro, a distinguished tango dancer, teacher, and choreographer from Buenos Aires, will ignite the stage with an immersive daytime performance, including a Tango demonstration and an opportunity for attendees to engage in a traditional Tango social dance.

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Taking place at The Music Hall Lounge, Milonga! will also be performed with live music, featuring Skye Darling and Yusef Saife. In addition, guests will have the option to participate in a tango class before the immersive performance, which will also include a choreographed tango show and an opportunity for attendees to dance in a ‘milonga.’

Tickets are $30 for the event and $45 for the class and event.

Excerpts and Investigations: Milonga!


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Location: Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Date: 8/15/2024

Join us on August 15th at 5 pm for a FREE preview of excerpts from Lila Production’s upcoming August production of Milonga! (8/18) and investigations into how they create performances. Hear from Nathan and Elyssa Moyer, founders of Lila Dance Festival, and Alejandro Figliolo, a distinguished tango dancer, teacher, and choreographer from Buenos Aires who will be featured in Milonga!. After a brief, moderated discussion, attendees will watch both Figliolo and the Moyers dance. Wine and light refreshments will also be served.

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This casual evening of sharing and conversation in the Carriage House at Kimball Jenkins in Concord is hosted by New Hampshire Dance Collaborative. NHDC creates immersive, multi-disciplinary opportunities with organizations to provoke discussion, understanding, action and problem solving. Expressive movement—whether in dance or theater—can open minds and provide deeper insight into the human condition.

The Lavender Scare

Lavender Scare

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Location: Manchester, New Hampshire
Date: 6/27/2024

In Lavender Scare, Artistic Director Zack Betty & Creative Director Nick Neagle will tap into their choreographic skills, to explore the eponymous period in our nation’s history, The Lavender Scare, when a moral hysteria broke out and Gay people were outed and fired, & paved the way for the beginnings of the gay rights movement. Dance is a vehicle to explore difficult subjects and tell truths that reveal as much about our current condition as the past storyline. Save the date and don’t miss this important work of art.

theatre KAPOW: On The Exhale


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Location: Concord and Meredith, New Hampshire
Date: 2/16/2024 – 2/18/24 and 3/1/24 – 3/3/24

When a senseless act of violence changes her life forever, a liberal college professor finds herself inexplicably drawn to the very weapon used to perpetrate the crime–and to the irresistible feeling of power that comes from holding life and death in her hands. Peering down the barrel of a uniquely American crisis, she begins to suspect that when it comes to gun violence, we’re all part of the problem. This is the New Hampshire premiere of Martín Zimmerman’s gripping play, which draws you into the white-hot center of our country’s most urgent debate.

NSquared Dance: A Continuation of Love


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Location: Manchester, New Hampshire
Date: 2/18/2024

A Continuation of Love extends the Valentine’s Day theme into the weekend. Join NSquared Dance as they dive into the many levels and spirals of love through dance. Featuring catered food, drinks, silent auction, and incredible dancing within numerous vignettes, this fundraiser performance will provide the audience with a meaningful glimpse into the capabilities of NSquared Dance.

Pop Up Art Show + Dance Performance: Chapel of the Black Trumpets

Are You Okay

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Location: Deerfield, New Hampshire
Date: 10/14/2023

During the 30-minute performance by NH Dance Collaborative in conjunction with Joan Brodsky, dancers donned Hannah’s wearable art, rendering the wearer both adorned and inhibited. Dancers negotiated their movement with awareness of the fragility of the jewelry and of the connections that hold it in place. The conundrum of being a woman in a historical context and in our times was brought to bear in this movement study.

Embodiment & Emotions

Are You Okay

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Location: The Palace Theatres, Manchester, New Hampshire
Date: 10/8/2023

Through the lens of contemporary concert dance, NSquared Dance creators Nick and Zackery Betty-Neagle produce two new works for their fall season. The show begins by interconnecting the embodiment of the elements; Earth, Air, Fire, & Water through a human rights lens. This synergetic pairing embraces a new portrayal of the fundamental elements. An 80’s music love rock will debut embracing emotions with classic 80’s tunes as the script! Embrace the world and stories NSquared Dance creates

The Shire

Are You Okay

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Location: Plainfield, New Hampshire
Date: 6/28/2023

In this performance, NSquared Dance performed excerpts of The Shire, a bioregional exploration of New Hampshire’s distinct regions through the lens of contemporary dance. With the iconic Maxfield Parish backdrop, this bucolic New Hampshire theater provided a fitting backdrop for the ‘snapshots’ of the ever evolving, yet deeply rooted aspects, of our state. A conversation with Artistic Directors Zack Betty followed the performance.

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When a place is experienced physically, the sensory stimuli provides bareboned, transparent inspiration. Betty choreographed in fields, on the seashore, in the mountains and in the mills that characterize New Hampshire. While he did “learn” about the regions through reading, he reflected the regions through the “felt sense” and sent videos of himself back to his dancers for them to interpret. Through the universal language of dance, the audience tours the state via their own sympathetic ability to feel the movement as much as watch exquisite dance.

The Shire will have its place in the cultural and educational offerings of New Hampshire. If someone wants to understand the complexity and beauty of the state, witnessing The Shire in-person or even through video will be transformative.

Are You Okay

A dance/ theater piece in Hip Hop/street style dance created by Anthony Bounphakhom

Are You Okay

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Location: The Rex Theater, Manchester, New Hampshire
Date: 12/7/2022

This performance asked the pertinent question of our tumultuous time: Are you okay? In a noisy, hyper connected world in which a pandemic, political tensions at home, and geopolitical tensions abroad have created existential angst, our mental health has been strained to the breaking point.

Bounphakhom’s performance portrayed this angst through the lives of several recognizable, archetypical characters. Threaded throughout the narrative, the central theme is accepting the dark side of one’s inner weather in order to find healing.

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The nature of Are You Okay was an unapologetically emotional portrayal of the anxiety and trauma that seem ubiquitous in our time, which is made worse by holding those emotions tight. Bounphakhom was able to draw out raw and honest performances from his cast, who embodied and presented a clarity of the human body that spoke truths beyond words.

Audience members reported that the expressive physicality of dance helped to create a visceral connection to the deeply felt emotions passionately portrayed by the dancers. Without language, which can confuse the authenticity of the felt sense(s) that dance provides, the audience could feel more and think less.

Excerpts and Investigation: Are You Okay

Are You Okay

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Location: The Factory on Willow in Manchester, NH
Date: 11/17/2022

This event was created in order to preview the performance of Are You Okay in an intimate environment where the audience was situated on the same level and just feet away from the dancers.

The dance portion was kept to 20-30 minutes so as to whet the appetite for more. It was moderated by Najee Brown, Artistic Director of Theater for the People, who asked creator Anthony Bounphakhom compelling questions which provided context and an explanation to the audience.

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Because dance can baffle the general audience, Excerpts and Investigation was designed to provide a learning experience for the viewer and also to provide them an opportunity to ask their own questions. Dance creates waves of energy. The audience was able to hear footfalls and breathing and witness the hard, physical work involved in this craft. The goal of New Hampshire Dance Collaborative was to better prepare the audience for the full performance on the proscenium stage a week later.

The Shire

Are You Okay

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Location: The Rex Theater, Manchester, New Hampshire
Date: 10/13/2022

While many contemporary dances often delve into somewhat esoteric and philosophical themes, The Shire is a sharp departure from that model. Choreographer Zackery Betty traveled through the state of New Hampshire and took his physical cues uniquely from a sense of place. New Hampshire is diverse in almost all ways, and our regional differences reveal cultural, geographical and environmental elements that set each region apart. The Shire pulls all of this information together into a one powerful, mysterious and joyful dance while also capturing the essence of region.

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When a place is experienced physically, the sensory stimuli provides bareboned, transparent inspiration. Betty choreographed in fields, on the seashore, in the mountains and in the mills that characterize New Hampshire. While he did “learn” about the regions through reading, he reflected the regions through the “felt sense” and sent videos of himself back to his dancers for them to interpret. Through the universal language of dance, the audience tours the state via their own sympathetic ability to feel the movement as much as watch exquisite dance.

The Shire will have its place in the cultural and educational offerings of New Hampshire. If someone wants to understand the complexity and beauty of the state, witnessing The Shire in-person or even through video will be transformative.

Excerpts and Investigation: The Shire

Are You Okay

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Location: The Factory on Willow in Manchester, NH
Date: 9/14/2022

This event was created in order to preview the performance of The Shire in an intimate environment where the audience was situated on the same level and just feet away from the dancers. The dance portion was kept to 20-30 minutes so as to whet the appetite for more. It was moderated by Matt Cahoon, Artistic Director of theater KAPOW who asked dance maker Zackary Beatty and the NSquared dancers compelling questions which provided context and an explanation to the audience.

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Because dance can baffle the general audience, Excerpts and Investigation was designed to provide a learning experience for the viewer and also to provide them an opportunity to ask their own questions. Dance creates waves of energy. The audience was able to hear footfalls and breathing and witness the hard, physical work involved in this craft. The goal of New Hampshire Dance Collaborative was to better prepare the audience for the full performance on the proscenium stage a week later.

The Dysfunction of Social Practice

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Curated by partners Karina Kelley and Bill Stelling, “The Dysfunction of Social Practice” features the art of Zackary DeWitt, Emmett Donlon, Rosemary Mack, Heather Morgan and Meghan Samson.

As artists in particular and people in people general come back to gathering as we once did, what scars remain and how do we rebound? Dancers Kelly Diamond, Alyssa Desruisseaux, Anthony Bounphakhom and Sallie Werst embodied the humor, awkwardness and tenderness of those experiences.

The Spark

Dance and music play point and counter point in this collaborative ‘in the moment’ performance

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Musicians: Elissa Margolin, Nate Therrien
Dancers: Emily Jerant Hendrickson, Jen Passios, Jacob Regan
Location: Canterbury Shaker Village’s Merry, Merry Canterbury celebration
Date: June 19, 2021

What triggers that divine spark between artists that gives birth to the creative process? That’s what Artistic Director Lorraine Chapman and musician Elissa Margolin set out to discover as they were inspired while sharing bits of original music and short videos of improvisational dance. Joined by bassist Nate Therrien and dancers Emily Jerant Hendrickson, Jen Passios and Jacob Regan, the group responded to each other’s musical and dance offerings to illustrate through song and dance, The Spark.

Watch our After Concert Discussion Video.

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