On Thursday, October 13 at 7:00 p.m. at The Rex Theatre in Manchester, New Hampshire Dance Collaborative (NHDC) will present ‘The Shire,’ a performance by NSquared Dance. ‘The Shire’ is a bioregional exploration of the state of New Hampshire through the lenses of location, economics, historical references, agriculture, nature, and the region’s culture.

“I developed the concept through my graduate studies while working on my MFA at Wilson College,” said NSquared Dance Co-Founder Zackery Betty, who cited a deeper purpose behind his work. “If the community can see the caliber of local dance talent that is in their backyard of New Hampshire, I think there would be a different appreciation for the art itself.”

Joan Brodsky, founder of NHDC, agrees and said dance talent like Betty led to her selection of NSquared Dance as the first recipient of their Accelerator program. Launched in June, Accelerator was designed “to support dance professionals as they seek to further enhance their artistic content and professional abilities.”

“Dance has the transformational power to further develop human understanding and tolerance for one another,” explained Brodsky. “Accelerator is an initiative whose primary goal is to make the case that dance is an important and relevant part of human experience. Dance can bring people together.”

Regarding the performance, ‘The Shire’ is a mixture of contemporary dance occasionally juxtaposed with contradance, while the choreography is inspired by the history, culture, geography, and economics of New Hampshire. Honoring its distinctive character, the costume design, compositional qualities, filming locations, and dancers all hail from New Hampshire.

‘The Shire’ takes place on Thursday, October 13 at 7:00 p.m. at The Rex Theatre. Admission is free.

Founded in 2014, NSquared Dance strives to energize audiences through movement and enhance creativity, artistry, passion, and drive of youth and aspiring dancers. To learn more about NSquared Dance, visit nsquareddance.com.

Founded in 2017, NHDC’s mission is “to make dance a more well understood, accessible and utilized art form.”