Sponsored by New Hampshire Dance Collaborative (NHDC) and presented by New Hampshire Humanities, The Shire takes place on Friday, April 21 at 7:00 p.m. at Lebanon Opera House. 

Created by Zackery Betty, co-founder of NSquared Dance Company in Manchester, The Shire is a bioregional exploration of the state of New Hampshire through the lenses of location, economics, historical references, agriculture, nature, and the region’s culture.

“The performance represents the culmination of 10 days of site visits across the state,” explained Betty, who noted the concept of “shires” is expandable for future use. “Although they represent the 7 distinct regions I visited in New Hampshire, they can be interpreted as environmental, scientific, politics, or cultural—there is room for growth.”

According to NHDC Founder Joan Brodsky, “room for growth” also applies to the role of dance in New Hampshire.

“Dance represents a universal language that deepens our understanding of each other and our shared world,” she said.

This message, however, must be “curated” for broader audiences, which underscores NHDC’s Excerpts and Investigation (E&I) series. Providing a brief preview of a show’s first full performance followed by a moderated discussion with the choreographer and dancers, each E&I is designed to help broader audiences develop their ability to interpret dance.

“Often for the public, dance can seem mysterious or intimidating, but it does not need to be that way,” said Brodsky. “E&I can help lift that veil of mystery.”

The Shire.
The Shire.

An E&I was held for The Shire in September 2022 at The Factory on Willow in Manchester followed by a full performance in October 2022 at The Rex Theatre in Manchester.

According to Brodsky, promoting The Shire and NSquared Dance statewide is “a big part” of NHDC’s current focus through its NH Dance Accelerator program. Launched in 2022, NH Dance Accelerator is designed to rapidly accelerate the growth and sustainability of New Hampshire-based dance companies and solo artists. NSquared Dance Co-Founder Zackery Betty is NH Dance Accelerator’s first Fellow.

“It is our goal to promote him and NSquared Dance throughout New Hampshire while educating audiences as to the inherent power and relevance of dance,” said Brodsky. “We are thrilled to work with New Hampshire Humanities to promote this together and develop relationships with new partners like Lebanon Opera House.”

The Shire takes place on Friday, April 21 at 7:00 p.m. at Lebanon Opera House. General admission tickets are $30 and $18 for students. Tickets may be purchased at lebanonoperahouse.org.